Area of Study  

The courses below are offered through our programs at the Barcelona SAE Academic Center at the Barcelona School for International Studies (SIS).

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Title Credits Hours
Architecture and Urban Design: The Barcelona Example 3 45
Barcelona at the Crossroads: Migration, Borders, and Identity Between Europe and Africa 3 45
Civilización y Cultura Española 3 45
Comida y Cultura en el Mediterráneo: Food and Culture (Course taught in Spanish) 3 45
Contemporary Spanish Society: From Dictatorship to Democracy 3 45
Creative Writing: Storytelling through an Intercultural Lens 3 45
Creativity and Innovation 3 45
Cross-Cultural Approach to Psychology 3 45
Decoding the Secrets of Modern Masterpieces 3 45
Diversity in Hispanic Media and Pop Culture 3 45
European Sports: Business and Management (Prereq. students need a previous management course) 3 45
Euroscreen: A Journey Through European Cinema 3 45
Food and Culture in the Mediterranean Basin 3 45
Gender and Identity in Modern Spain 3 45
Global Internship Experience Seminar 1 45
Great 20th Century Artists: Picasso, Dalí, Miró 3 45
Infectious Barcelona: Diseases, Pandemics & Urban Planning through History 3 45
International Business 3 45
International Finance 3 45
International Marketing 3 45
Intro to Documentary Filmmaking: Exploring Barcelona Through Film 3 45
Introducción a la Literatura Española e Hispanoamericana (Course taught in Spanish) 3 45
Leadership in a Diverse World 3 45
Management Across Borders 3 45
Management and Ethics 3 45
Marine and Aquatic Ecosystems in the Mediterranean 3 45
Peoples of Spain: Cultural Diversity, Past and Present 3 45
Photography in the Contemporary World 3 45
Savoring Spain: Advertising & PR of Spanish Food Products 3 45
Social Movements: Creating Social & Political Alternatives 3 45
Spanish Civilization and Culture 3 45
Spanish for Health Sciences (B1 Intermediate) 3 45
Spanish Language & Culture A1 Elementary (Prereq. None) 3 45
Spanish Language & Culture A2 Upper Elementary (Prereq. Use simple sentences to talk about one’s family and work situation) 3 45
Spanish Language & Culture B1 Intermediate (Prereq. Use simple sentences in the present and future tenses) 3 45
Spanish Language & Culture B2 Upper Intermediate (Prereq. Use simple sentences in the present, future and past tenses) 3 45
Spanish Language & Culture C1 Advanced (Prereq. Use complex sentences in the past, conditional and subjunctive tenses) 3 45
Spanish Society Through Film and Television 3 45
Sport, Environmental Sustainability and Social Impact 3 45
Sports and Society in Spain and Catalonia 3 45
Start-Ups and the Emerging Economy: Creating Your Own Business 3 45
Sustainable Development in Spain: Environmental Challenges and Pathways 3 45
The Climate Crisis: Global Perspectives, Mediterranean Contexts 3 45
The Psychology of Global Happiness & Well-Being 3 45
Three Faiths – One Land: The Coexistence of Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Medieval and Modern Spain 3 45
Understanding Barcelona: The Geography of a Global City 3 45
Understanding Public Health and Healthcare Inequities: Spain and USA 3 45
Experience the magic of Barcelona SAE