Thanks for your interest in blogging for Barcelona SAE. If you’re passionate about everything Barcelona, like we are, we would love for you to share it! Whether your topic is culture, food, travel tips, or anything in between…we want to hear it all!

We love student and alumni blog posts regarding your favorite recommendations, food posts (yum!) homestay experiences and academic reflections…anything about how your Barcelona experience changed your life!
If you would like to submit a blog posting, please consider these requirements:
- Be in the Barcelona SAE familia! We want to hear from current students and interns, alumni of our programs, staff members, university partners, parents, homestay families, internship supervisors…anyone who knows what Barcelona SAE is all about!
- Pics or it didn’t happen. Be sure to include your original pictures in your blog posting. Words are great, but including pictures will really bring your blog post to life!
We also encourage all alumni to submit a "My Barcelona Experience" entry if you have not done so already.

Please include the following so we can approve your post:
- Article title with proper capitalization.
- Your name and information as described below.
- Content must be 100% unique and original.
- Posts must be written in grammatically-correct English.
- Min word count 400, max word count 5000 words.
- Images must fit the specifications below. If needed, please use a free online image resizer such as to edit your images.
- Ensure images are landscape format and not portrait where possible, or cropping may occur.
- Make sure that you have the full rights to use all supplied images
- Note that all guest posts may be shared on social media platforms.
Once the above criteria have been met and your article is approved, we will connect with you when it has been posted. Happy writing!
After submitting, your post will be reviewed by our staff and then published.
***Please note that no submissions or advertisements from outside writers or bloggers will be accepted.***
***Please note that no submissions or advertisements from outside writers or bloggers will be accepted.***