
Weekend Getaway in Costa Brava - Barcelona SAE Blog

Written by Barcelona SAE | Jun 21, 2012 2:49:57 AM

Last weekend we took a trip up to Costa Brava, a beautiful region in northeastern Catalunya. We had a group of 43 students, and we were able to squeeze an incredible amount of activities into just one weekend!

Friday afternoon began with a bus ride to Besalú, a town only about an hour south of the border, where students were able to have a little free time to explore the town. Then it was back on the bus to Palamós, a town that is a major port and has one of the last remaining fishing fleets on the northern part of the Mediterranean coast. Our hotel was right on the beach, and wow, what a view!

The next day a promised walk along the beach turned out to be more of a hike along the coast. Although it caught them a little by surprise, everyone enjoyed the beautiful views of the Mediterranean Sea, Dali´s house, and some free time after to play around on the beach. It was a beautiful day and after the long walk was a perfect time to cool off in the water. We summed up the afternoon with a “Taller de Cocina” or a cooking workshop, which ended up filling up everyone for dinner as well! Some of the things everyone got to try included pulpo (octopus), Hake (Merluza), and Sharkfish.

Sunday was also a busy day with a trip to Girona where we were given a guided tour and learned a lot about the city. Many students made sure to kiss the butt of the lion statue, ensuring that someday they would return to Girona and would be welcomed back with open arms. Lunch was also in Girona where we had a traditional Catalan meal, and some students got to try my favorite catalan cheese and honey dessert, Mel i Mato.

The trip ended with a visit to Montserrat,  a mountain located very close to Barcelona. The name “Montserrat” is Catalan for “jagged mountain”, which describes it perfectly. We had a little bit of free time to take in the views and explore the monastery, but it is also possible to hike to the highest point at Montserrat. While in Barcelona I encourage anyone to take the trip and hike to the highest summit of Montserrat called Sant Jeroni.

Costa Brava is such a spectacular region of Catalunya. It is a great place to take our students and interns because there might not be the opportunity for them to see this part of the country otherwise. This trip lets us experience Catalan culture through art, food, and nature. Although Barcelona is fantastic everyone enjoyed the chance to travel for the  weekend and experience the “tranquila” way of life in Costa Brava.