
Walking, Walking, and More Walking! - Barcelona SAE Blog

Written by JeLisa Smallwood | Jun 27, 2013 10:10:27 AM

One thing I failed to realize before I came to Barcelona was how much walking I’d be doing. In one day of exploring and trying to find the places I want to go, I’m sure I walk a good 5-10 miles. So if you’re a PE Major or really big on fitness you will definitely get your cardio in walking around the different barrios (neighborhoods) in Barcelona.

Some days I just go out with no destination and see what I can find that’s really cool. So to reward myself for all this walking, I went and got a pedicure at this spa called Aqua Bliss Fish Spa. It’s in a really nice location a bit ducked off from the main street. There are these little tanks with fish in them that take the dead skin off your feet…and boy was it funny to watch people put their feet in! The man and woman who were there said it tickles the first few minutes and after that you get used to it.

I also found more thrift stores in the Raval area located on Riera Baixa. There is a street with about 5 -7 vintage thrift shops. A bit expensive for my liking but they had some really awesome apparel and accessories. A few of the stores are on Riera Baixa are Smart & Clean, Billie Jean and Lailo, but Holala Ibiza is still my favorite! So if you love thrifting (like me!), I suggest you check them out.

By JeLisa Smallwood, Berea College