Internship Program
Prior to coming to Spain I knew that I wanted to attend some sort of music event. Having previously worked at a concert venue and being a huge music lover, it was definitely on my personal bucketlist (check out BarcelonaSAE’s awesome bucketlist too!).
I scavenged the Internet endlessly for music festivals and concerts to attend, and I finally stumbled upon the Vida Festival, where a few of my favorite artists were performing. Stoked out of my mind, I immediately rallied up some friends for a one-hour trip to Vilanova i la Geltrú, where the festival was to be held.
Why was this festival so awesome?
1) The Vida Festival was situated in the woods of Vilanova i la Geltrú, with various stages dispersed throughout sections of the forest. The ambiance was quaint and aesthetically pleasing with lights strung across resting areas, and locally crafted art. It was the perfect place to be at one with music and nature.
2) Nowadays, the popular appeal of music is geared towards electronic music – which is great, but it gets repetitive and predictable listening to the build-up of a song followed by the beat drop. Vida was filled with a variety of artists – ranging from well-known singers such a Lana Del Rey, to other performers such as Andrew Bird.
3) Each venue that I attended within the festival lured pleasure into my ears and brought peace to mind. It was too much fun discovering new artists. I even stumbled upon some awesome Spanish artists such as Nacho Vegas.

This photo is a prime example of one of the concert venues within the forest.
4) Intimacy is definitely one of the top characteristics of a perfect concert for me. No pushing, no shoving – just pure enjoyment of music and good vibes. That’s the Vida Festival.
5) There’s also an awesome market where you can buy locally curated items: clothing, jewelry – you name it. This is what I got:
The Vida Festival was my attempt to deviate from the normal touristy-attractions. If you are a music fanatic such as myself, I would highly recommend for you to attend a concert or a music festival too! It’s an experience in itself observing the different ambiance of a Spanish music festival versus one from your home country.