
Some Tips for a Successful Semester Abroad - Barcelona SAE Blog

Written by Donovan Gayles | Dec 3, 2018 12:30:07 PM

Some of my early impressions about studying abroad for a semester were quickly put to rest after my first several weeks here in Barcelona.

Here are some tips to help you out:

  • Take classes seriously because it is possible to fail.
  • If you’re in an apartment, there are plenty are grocery stores nearby and the prices are very similar to US stores, but don’t be afraid to eat out.
  • Remember the exchange rate! The Euro is worth more than the USD (As of the time of this blog post, 1 Euro = .75 USD!)
  • Invest in a fanny pack or bag because Barcelona has a very high pick-pocketing rate!
  • Pay attention to your surroundings!
  • Take advantage of the architecture. There are many beautiful buildings in Barcelona!
  • Make local friends as well as friends from your program.
  • Find your niche; try new things but also establish what you are used to!