Last week I was told of this phenomenon called “Rebajas”, a time when all of the stores in Barcelona have amazing sales that start on the 1st of July. To me, this sounded like a myth. I can say first hand that it is not, and right now nearly every store you walk by in Barcelona has signs in their window introducing “Rebajas!” along with promises of 50-70 percent off items in store.

You will also notice the Catalan word for rebajas, which is “rebaixes.” It is always interesting to see these differences in Barcelona compared to the rest of Spain because of course it is in Catalunya.

If you are going to brave stores similar to Bershka, Mango, and H & M , I would suggest going during day. I made the mistake of going in the evening after work and spent most of my time waiting in lines to try on clothes. If something doesn’t fit and you want to try on a different size, you have no choice but to return to end of line. If, like me, this is the only time you can make it to the stores I recommend trying on multiple sizes and bringing as much as you can to the dressing room the first time to avoid having to return to the dreaded line.

As I said before, nearly every store has “Rebajas!” signs, not just big clothing stores with messy piles of clothing and long lines. Many boutique stores have great sales and are worth going in to take a look around. There are sales in the touristy shops, the craft shops, home décor, and more. If there is anything you need or want that you weren’t sure if you should buy now is the time to go out a get it, at 50 percent off!

Barcelona SAE

Barcelona SAE

Barcelona SAE is a boutique study abroad and internship program that provides personalized attention and focuses on this beautiful Mediterranean city that we call home.



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