My first impression of Barcelona was how lively the city was—the beautiful architecture everywhere you looked, children playing outside, parents conversing on the terrazas, and so much more. I felt at home despite being miles and miles away. I was honestly surprised at how welcomed I felt in this city right away. I was taken to my apartment by one of the Barcelona SAE staff members and met my roommates, who were so sweet and excited to explore Barcelona together.
My apartment was located in the Clot neighborhood, and I made sure to explore every corner: the cafes, the local shops, and especially the grocery stores like Mercadona, which I visited several times a week for their freshly squeezed orange juice! One of my biggest learning moments was the public transportation and how easily accessible it was to everything the city had to offer. At first I was intimidated to use it on my own but then I got so comfortable with it. I took it to class and admired the Arc De Triomf, which I passed everyday on my commute, and even made stops at coffee shops like 365 Cafe where I ordered a pan de chocolate and a café con leche. I often sat outside and just people-watched and greeted the many dogs that would pass around me every morning. Everything I experienced in Spain felt like stepping into a postcard. I wish I could have taken a picture with my eyes to remember those vivid moments forever.

Every moment I had in Barcelona shaped me into a more confident version of myself. Before this, I was nervous when meeting new people, going to new places, and stepping out of my comfort zone. However, Barcelona changed that for me. I met so many new friends, who I still keep in contact with and hope to see again one day. I feel like I have become a new version of myself—one that has changed for the better and wants to continue growing back in the U.S. One of my biggest takeaways from the lifestyle in Barcelona was how much time locals spent outside, simply enjoying life. Even after a long day of work, people still found time to meet at a local restaurant for a quick drink or tapa. I want to bring this practice back home because it is so important to take a break from our busy routines and just breathe.  Being in Spain made me realize this immensely. 

Studying abroad in Barcelona was a transformative experience that I will cherish forever. It taught me to embrace spontaneity and appreciate the beauty around me. I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to explore, learn, and grow in such a beautiful city. I hope that everyone who reads this feels inspired to make their own unforgettable memories—whether it's wandering through Parc Güell, getting lost in the Gothic Quarter, or relaxing in Ciutadella Park. Moving forward, I aim to live a more balanced and mindful life, inspired by the warmth and spirit of Barcelona. To anyone considering studying abroad, I encourage you to take the leap and immerse yourself in the rich culture Spain has to offer—you never know just how much you might grow! You can do it!

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Katherine Monge

Katherine Monge

Katherine is a junior at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She studied abroad at the Barcelona SAE School for International Studies (SIS) in July 2024.



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