
Pais Vasco or Pintxos Heaven? - Barcelona SAE Blog

Written by Samantha Areman | Mar 20, 2016 11:30:45 AM

Our weekend in Pais Vasco could be described in three words: rain, pintxos, and more pintxos.


What are pintxos? Oh just the most amazing late-night snack/dinner substitute and the idea for Cathy´s and my next business extravaganza (but that is a blog post for a different day).

Pintxos are similar to tapas, a small appetizer costing €1-2, which leaves your stomach and your wallet wanting more…maybe like 20? Okay, maybe not 20… but at least 10. Depending on how ambitious you are. But if you dream it, you can achieve it

Thus, began the pintxo trail. We made it our goal to consume as many pintxos as physically possible and document our dining experience.

The winner? A vegan café’s spring rolls (in Bilbao). My mouth is watering just thinking about them.

Yes, Cathy and I also did amazing things in Pais Vasco other than consuming excessive amounts of pintxos. Saying Pais Vasco´s best features were pintxos would be selling the beautiful region extremely short. Due to the rain, the countryside was so lush…the grass literally looked like it had been photoshopped to be so green. (no I did not photoshop it)

Another highlight of the trip for me was touring the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao – my favorite art museum that I’ve been in to date, with work from Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and more.

Our trip to Pais Vasco included Bilbao, San Sebastian, and Pamplona (you know, the running of the bulls). Here are some pictures from these beautiful places, since pictures are more fun than reading.