
Outdoor Activities - Barcelona SAE Blog

Written by Jacob Renner | Jul 26, 2013 10:10:37 AM

Barcelona is an ideal city for outdoor sport enthusiasts. Its geographic location, bordered by mountains and the Mediterranean Sea, means a variety of activities are possible for both locals and visitors.

A few of the most popular activities are volleyball, soccer, basketball and walking. Although these are the most popular activities, the parks and beaches offer opportunities for creativity and fun.

Volleyball is a perfect sport given Barcelona’s climate. Temperatures in Barcelona range in the 70 to 90 degrees regularly. Beaches become quite enticing at those temperatures making a volleyball game a common sight. While Volleyball is popular, soccer is easily the most popular sport in the city. Barcelona FC is the number one football club. Memorabilia shops can be found everywhere. Play spaces for soccer can be found all over the city from their sidewalks to the their beaches. Just be careful who you confess your football loyalties to. Barcelona FC and Real Madrid have a passionate rivalry.

Aside from soccer, basketball is the second most popular sport in Barcelona. Barcelona FC, in addition to its soccer club, has a basketball club that is extremely popular. They are regularly thought of as a contender for the league title. Basketball courts can be found at local gyms, on the beach, or in local neighborhoods. Bicycling and walking are also popular given some of Barcelona’s magnificent scenery. It is not uncommon to see runners at the beach or walkers in the park. While everyday activities like running and biking are always in progress, unique experiences can also be found at the beaches or parks.

Barcelona Seaside

A few of the most well-known parks are Citudella and Montijuc park. Citudella is known for being a former fortress and the home of the Barcelona Zoo. There are running paths and bike paths in this park. There is even a public facility where locals compete in basketball games. Montijuc Park has an appeal all its own. It is home to the city’s botanical gardens, making it a great running venue. Another activity at the park is rock climbing. There are a number of climbing wall paths that SAE students have enjoyed. There is little reason to think other students, who like rock climbing would not enjoy the park as well.

The beaches are popular because of the weather and scenery. They also offer great opportunities to play volleyball, to go sailing, and to throw a Frisbee. While a lot of these activities may sound typical, the Barcelona beaches offer chances for creative workout circuits. One workout circuit I have seen involves running around the Barceloneta area followed by a weight lifting regimen. Barcelona has a great variety of physical activities for everyone regardless of intensity preference. Anyone who enjoys fitness will find an activity to enjoy in this great city.

By Jacob Renner, Ball State University