
Nice to Meet You, Raval! - Barcelona SAE Blog

Written by Kristen Bathan | Mar 26, 2012 10:00:26 AM

I went on a “get to know the neighborhood” of the Raval area, followed by a Flamenco show with Barcelona SAE. Raval is an awesome area, as there is tons of diversity and the young people have a cool urban/skater/hipster (haha) look. It was originally known as the “slum area” but after the 1992 Olympics it was brought back to life and renovated in an effort to improve the city so there are tons of cool cafe’s, bars, and boutiques.

MACBA- Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona is located here and there were tons of guys skating out in front of it. The wall next to MACBA (below) was really interesting. From what I understood, the people of the city made up their own word for just the people of Raval because of their reputation.

Then we made our way to the Flamenco Show. It was at Tarantos, a jazzy, loungy looking place. It was awesome! I’m glad I was able to witness it with BarcelonaSAE because I wouldn’t have known where I could see such an intimate show like this other wise. The dancers and musicians conveyed their passion for their art so well!

Tarantos Flamenco Show

By Kristen Bathan
California State University – Fullerton