
My Last Week: Going Out With a Bang - Barcelona SAE Blog

Written by Kelly Greacen | Jul 25, 2013 10:10:18 AM

By Kelly Greacen a summer intern with Barcelona SAE

I knew that my short time in Barcelona (4 weeks) would fly, and it did. All of a sudden it’s my last week here, and I feel like I just arrived. I was just starting to get the hang of everything, too. I’m so sad to leave this beautiful city and the great friends I’ve made here, but I’m also excited to go home. I miss my dogs!

I wanted to make the most of my last week here, so during the day I did all of the sightseeing that I hadn’t yet done, and I went out a few nights with my roommates and friends. On Tuesday night we went to Shoko, a club by the beach. Opium is the big, posh, touristy club, but the line was long so we decided to go to Shoko instead. Most of the clubs here are on the beach. I’m still not over how you can walk out of the club, and be right on the beach. I would take off my heels, and go dip my feet in the ocean and get a breath of fresh air, and then go back inside and keep dancing. Someone even called me a mermaid as I walked out of the water- it made my whole night, I’m still not over it.

Going Out With a Bang

On Thursday, I had my final presentation at my internship at Gastronomia Activa. I put together a PowerPoint presentation made up of the proposals I had written, the restaurant review I wrote for the website, and my edits of the English version of the website. Most of it I had already sent to my supervisor, Laura, so I felt a little silly showing her the same things again since it was just the two of us. But Laura liked my presentation nonetheless. It was worth it to come in just to see her and say goodbye! Laura is so lovely, and I really enjoyed spending time with her while I was interning. I feel like I really lucked out with my internship placement.

Thursday night was the last night that all my friends and I went out together, since a few were going to Paris for the weekend (jealous). We started the night at Chupitos, a touristy but awesome bar with hundreds of crazy shots, incorporating whipped cream, candy, Pringles, and the like. It was my third time there in 4 weeks, but my friends don’t seem to ever want to go anywhere else! We had a great time, though, and headed down to Port Olympico after to hang out by the beach. It seems like Barcelona never sleeps- Boston will feel tame in comparison!