
Lugar de la Semana - El Laberint D'Horta - Barcelona SAE Blog

Written by Barcelona SAE | Feb 13, 2012 11:06:49 PM

Every other week we will post the “Lugar de la Semana” (or site of the week) in Barcelona.  They are unique places that you may not already know about, so check them out and let us know what you think!

El Laberint D’Horta

Barcelona has many beautiful parks, but el Parc del Laberint d’Horta (Horta Labyrinth Park) is different than the others – it is a huge maze.  It is an ingenious puzzle that intrigues those brave enough to try it.

The Parc del Laberint d’Horta is also the oldest and one of the most beautiful parks in Barcelona.  It was built in 1791, when the Desvalls family (owners of this marvelously leafy estate) hired Italian architect Domenico Bagutti to design scenic gardens set around a cypress maze.

It is located on the metro stop Mundet (Line 3), and it costs 2 euros to enter, however on Sunday and Wednesday it is free.

Nearby stone tables provide a handy picnic site, so this is a fascinating place where you can spend a quiet Sunday morning surrounded by nature.