
Just When I Think I Can't Love it Here More, I Prove Myself Wrong - Barcelona SAE Blog

Written by Becca Justinger | Sep 22, 2015 9:25:29 PM

By Becca Justinger, University at Buffalo
Internship Program

I am absolutely loving my stay here in Barcelona. I catch myself smiling for no reason I am just so happy. Yesterday a few friends and I met up to go to Park Guëll which is one of Gaudi’s most famous works of art. It is usually the picture that comes up if you google image Barcelona. After visiting I can totally see why. It is phenomenal and they only let so many people in at a time so that it isn’t impossible to get your pictures.

I have also become quite the navigator, I even have been helping some tourists that seem relieved when they realize I speak english.

After the park we tried to go to a market that is only open once a month but the line just to get in was a block long and we were all getting hangry. Luckily we noticed that we were right by the water so we walked in hopes of finding the beach. It was absolutely beautiful, the Mediterranean Sea is so blue but it is a bit chilly! We stopped for some drinks and nachos at a restaurant that was right on the sand.

Today I had my internship from 9-2 but they let me go early because the students aren’t there yet and they are just having meetings and told me to go explore. Explore I did, I went first to find a secret hidden garden that was absolutely beautiful and peaceful. A nice break from the hustle and bustle of the city. Then I walked up and down the Passeig de Gracia which has all sorts of designer stores so I practiced my window shopping. After that I walked the ave de Gaudi which is a beautiful street that goes from La Sagrada Familia (which is breath taking every time I see it) to el hospital del saint pau.

Finally to end my day I took to some vintage shops and some shops around my neighborhood to find a watch! There are no clocks in any of the classrooms of the schools I am working in and I can’t be constantly looking at my phone. During my shopping excursion I stopped for some gelato. It was so much fun but definitely made me miss my mom because shopping is our thing and sweets are our thing too but don’t tell anyone!

I can’t believe its already been a week! Time needs to slow way down.
Te amo todo

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