
Hiking Montserrat - Barcelona SAE Blog

Written by Becca Justinger | Feb 9, 2016 10:35:58 AM

By Becca Justinger, University at Buffalo
Internship Program


The past five days have been amazing not only because my best friend Dominique visited and I got to show her all around my favorite parts of this beautiful city, but also because we hiked the most beautiful mountain. It is called Montserrat and we went to the top of the tallest peak, called Sant Jeroni which reaches 1,236 meters (4,055ft) above sea level. The hike took us about an hour and a half to get to the top. We had quite the experience about halfway through, I heard rustling so stopped and stopped Domi from walking AND TEN FEET IN FRONT OF US ran two mountain goats. They were huge, I think they are called Spanish Ibex and oh my goodness it was terrifying but also so cool. It was something I never expected to see in the wild and although we were scared they would come back to charge us I felt like we were meant to see them in their natural beauty. From then any rustle in the trees from a bird or even our own footsteps seemed to keep us on edge. Unfortunately, I had the goPro off ): At the bottom of the mountain it was foggy and chilly but we ended up hiking above the clouds and it was nothing but sunshine and blue skies. As you can see we were higher than the clouds. It was so cool I couldn’t believe it. We brought a picnic lunch and spent an hour at the summit eating and taking cool pictures. We also made a friendship good luck rock pile to join other piles at the top. This was hands down the coolest thing I have ever seen or done. Now three days later my legs are still sore, but it was so worth it.

The pictures do not even give the beauty of this place any justice but it helps to envision it. I highly suggest this being on everyone’s bucket list because its a must see. I can not wait to come back one day.

I only have 5 days left in Barcelona and it is so bittersweet. I know how fast the week will go by and I wish I could slow it down because I need to get all my favorites in before I leave for good. At the same time I am so excited to get home and sleep in my own bed and take a shower in a big shower. I feel like I have completely accomplished everything I wanted to with my time here in Barcelona.

See you soon America!