
Friendship Abroad - Barcelona SAE Blog

Written by Omar Granado | May 5, 2016 10:18:11 AM

Making friends while studying abroad is important to enrich your experience overseas. It’s a good way to find support, and have somebody who you can relate to. In the classroom, during activities and  events with other students, it’s not difficult to find people around you in the same boat. It’s important for everyone to  have good support, to face the challenges that come along with studying abroad.

I found great support from the friends I made while studying abroad. they made those moments of nostalgia less impacting, and cheered me up when I needed it the most. It was great to feel this type of connection, and I believe that was what helped us bond. Some of my closest friends I made in Barcelona, are the ones I spent more time with. Some of the most common things I did with them are: try food in different places, plan trips, play soccer, study, visit museums and Parks, etc.

Friendship abroad also encourages students to explore more, get involved in the culture and enjoy more from the city. Personally, I loved to plan trips to places close to Barcelona with my friends, for example a cava tour to Freixenet, one of the biggest Cava producers from this region. Cava can be described as a sparkling wine, a little close to champagne, it comes from grapes as well, and it’s commonly more clear than wine; through this experience we got to learn more about the drinks consumed in Spain. This and more, are types of experiences that make  a trip more enjoyable, enriching and fulfilling, this is also the good outcomes of friendship abroad.

Andres Granado
University of Delaware
International Business and Marketing Major
Spanish Studies Minor
Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity