My 6-week experience with Barcelona SAE’s internship program is coming close to its maturation, and there have been a great deal of awesome memories that have been imprinted into my time here. Here are a few of my favorite ones – although they are definitely not limited to these:
1) After attending San Fermin with some friends, we were heading back to Barcelona and stumbled upon this beautiful lake, Lake Aragón, as well as some ruins that we decided to explore. Swimming in this lake and witnessing the beauty of the water from an elevated point-of-view from the ruins, was definitely one of the highlights of my experience.

Discovering a beautiful lake (in San Fermin outfits)
2) Settling down at the Barcelona beaches after a long night out highlighted some of my best memories: just hanging out and getting to know new friends, planning out future trips with them, experiencing the hawker life at the beach, sharing laughter, dipping our toes in the warm Mediterranean waters and watching the sun rise early in the morning.

Watching the sunrise with new friends
3) Making dinner, having wine and engaging in random shenanigans with my friends will always make up the best memories that I had in Barcelona.

Making dinner with my roommates
Most people are on the constant pursuit of happiness, however I believe that searching for meaning within all of your experiences – no matter how positive or negative, will help to contribute to the best memories that you’ll ever have. Thank you Barcelona, for one of the 6 most memorable weeks of my life.