Although today is a very solemn day in history for America as no one could forget what happened in 2001, its a bit of a celebration here in Barcelona. On this day in 1714 Catalunya lost its independence to Spain but every year they celebrate their culture and stick to their roots.
I was one of over a million people who stood in the street and celebrated la diada de Catalunya. It was so amazing to just feel the energy and join in the chanting. “I, Inde, Independencia!!” On the 27th of September there is going to be an election and if a certain group wins I will no longer be studying in Spain but in the independent country of Catalunya. It’s crazy to think about, I will be sure to keep you posted.
This week also was my first week of my internship! I don’t have too much to say about it because the students first day is next Monday. I basically just helped some teachers set up their classrooms and get to know everyone. They are all so nice and willing to help me with anything I might have questions about. We always take an 11 o’clock break together everyday. It’s been a fun challenge because the Math teacher I am working with only speaks Catalan and Spanish, no English. All of her lesson plans are in Catalan so she reads them to me in Spanish. All the students at the school have iPads so Pilar, the Math teacher showed me some apps she uses with the students. I really like the technology incorporation and I learned of a new app called Kahoot that I really like. You can make quizzes and the students take them and it becomes a fun game. I made two Kahoots already- one in English and one in Spanish! I definitely will be using it in my future classroom.
Next week I start intensive language courses so I won’t be able to go to my internship as much. Too bad because I was looking forward to meeting and bonding with the students. I have class from 9:30-1:30 Mon-Fri for the next two weeks. That’s a part-time job learning Spanish! I am excited though because I am always looking to improve my language skills. That’s why I am here!
I’ve been pretty homesick lately I think I am finally coming down from the excitement of a new place and having work and go to classes makes it kind of not all fun and exploring but I am working to find a balance. I got my first piece of mail the other day and I don’t think I could get to the office to pick it up any faster! Thanks Tanya!!! It was so awesome to hear from you and I will write you back when I figure out how to send mail (:
That’s all for now, viva Catalunya!!

Internship Program