
Adventures at la Playa - Barcelona SAE Blog

Written by Kelly Greacen | Jul 12, 2013 10:10:25 AM

This week, three of my friends and I spent a beautiful and very hot day at the beach. We all decided to meet at the Barceloneta stop. While leaving my apartment, though, my friend Kristen called to tell me that she and Hannah were already at the beach, and just to “look for the blue umbrella.” Oh. Because there’s only one of those on the beach.

Somehow I was able to find my friend Nikki at the station, so I had someone to aimlessly wander the beach with. We decided to start our trek at the convenience store, so we could eat some Doritos on our walk and feel even more confident in our bikinis after. I guess submission is one tactic.

We trekked down the beach in search of our friends, with Nikki on the phone trying to locate them, and me struggling not to kick up sand on the poor beachgoers as I walked by. It turns out our friends had gotten off at a different metro stop, so we ended up walking for a good 45 minutes before we were able to find them. Once we finally laid our towels down, Nikki proceeded to get her tan on while everyone laughed at my extremely pale skin. I did, however, find one person on the beach who was paler than me. We must be distantly related somehow.

It was great to relax and get some reading in. Everyone thought the water was cold, everyone except for me. The ocean near Massachusetts is much colder than the beautiful Mediterranean! Nikki pushed me in, and I tripped over the rocky bottom before falling in the water. The ocean felt good though, and it was very necessary to cool off on such a hot day.

We started to get hungry, and got some lunch at a beachside café. The one thing I think I’ll miss most about Barcelona (besides tapas, and the beach, and everything else…) is the cute little cafes throughout the city. The girls got calzones and salads, and I was ever the world’s worst vegetarian with my ham pizza (although it was delicious). We returned to the beach, where Nikki was guarding our things and laying out, determined to get some color.

Kristen and Hannah both ended up burned by the end of the day. By some miracle, the hot Spanish sun didn’t burn me. It was likely the excess of SPF 50+ I lathered on. But that’s what they get for laughing at my pale skin!