Saludos desde España!

I arrived in Spain early Monday morning both excited and nervous for the journey that lay ahead of me. Once I met students and advisors from the Barcelona SAE program in the airport, everything seemed a bit better.

Although we initially struggled getting a taxi big enough for 3 people, the ride into the city was beautiful. Meeting my host mom and roommates was very delightful – they were all very nice and seemed just as excited about my arrival as I was. My actual roommate goes to school in the state that I’m from, North Carolina. Small world huh?

The hardest thing is staying awake and adjusting to the time difference. I barely slept on the plane and just seeing my bed made me tired. It’s now day 2 and my adjustment to the time is a bit better. Although it’s only been 2 days I’ve realized from walking the city (and my housemates’ stories) that Barcelona is the perfect place to get lost in. There is always a metro stop/station around so you can always get back to where you started.

I can’t wait to see what else Barcelona has in store for me!

By JeLisa Smallwood, Berea College

JeLisa Smallwood

JeLisa Smallwood

JeLisa is a Business Administration major from Berea College, and interned abroad during Summer 2013.



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