If you’re a running junkie, or even just a beginner, the streets of Barcelona await you! There are plenty of great places to hit the ground running.

For a relaxed run, check out the beach at sunset. Pretty view, great atmosphere…could it get any better? I also suggest heading over to Montjuic and running up the stairs and through the parks. Don’t be fooled, the stairs are tough, but the view of the city from up top is well worth the grind, I promise!

And if you’re really serious about all this running business, sign up for one of the many 5k or 10k races held throughout Barcelona this summer! My roommate and co-worker, Lauren, and I just ran the Cursa La Maquinista 10k this past Sunday in Sant Andreu, a quieter neighborhood away from the busy city center.

We signed up on a whim, and 5 days later we were waiting excitedly at the starting line! It was a great, positive atmosphere to run in; fellow runners would cheer each other on every now and then, and there was quite a crowd waiting at the finish line. It’s one thing to run a race back at home, but to run one here is kind of like a little adventure. It was the perfect way to explore a new part of the city that I probably wouldn’t have visited on my own. Needless to say, we really enjoyed ourselves. So much so that we’ve already made plans to run at least two more!

So, if you’d like to join the running craze, check out some of the races below:

Happy running!

By Rachael Kacos
Program Advisor & Partner Relations Senior Coordinator
Barcelona SAE


Barcelona SAE

Barcelona SAE

Barcelona SAE is a boutique study abroad and internship program that provides personalized attention and focuses on this beautiful Mediterranean city that we call home.



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